Bug#757636: Re : Bug#757636: gnome-orca: Additional info

MENGUAL Jean-Philippe mengualjeanphi at free.fr
Thu Aug 3 14:49:59 UTC 2017


Actually it depends on the application you use. The behavior I describe mainly happens in Firefox. But may happen in Libreoffice as well. cf https://mail.gnome.org/archives/orca-list/2017-June/msg00089.html


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

HYPRA, progressons ensemble

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----- Alex ARNAUD <alexarnaud at hypra.fr> a écrit :
> Hello Jean-Philippe,
> I can't be able to reproduce this issue. Could you provide us a 
> steps-by-steps procedure?
> What I've done is :
> 1) Open Pluma
> 2) Open the Mate menu
> 3) Press escape
> 4) Read the current character with the flat review command
> Result : Orca reads the current character. The flat review is 
> synchronized with the current focus.
> Best regards.
> -- 
> Visual-Impairment Project Manager
> Hypra - "Humanizing technology"

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