Topquality Irish Mackerels
Bonesca Mailing
mailing at
Wed Dec 6 15:03:09 UTC 2017
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Dear customer,
Last week we started to sell Topquality Irish Atlantic Mackerels,
fresh November production.
Please see photos and grading sheets attached (random from two
different vessels and 3 blocks from each)
Its all very nice fish, nice quality, good fat 22/24% and average size
is 400/600 with average 500g per piece so very nice large fish.
Packing is 20 kilo blockfrozen, each box has 0.5 - 1 kilo fish extra
for free!!
Prices :
Retail : 1 box € 1,75 - 10 box € 1,65 per kilo
Wholesale: 1 palet (48 box) € 1,55 - 3 palets (144 box) € 1,48 per
Container (23 x 48 box = 1104 box) € 1,38 per kilo
Interested ? Please contact us.
Kind regards, Met vriendelijke groeten, Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Bonesca Import en Export BV - Netherlands
Bertus Brouwer
Director/Purchase - Dutch / English / German
Tel.: 31 (0) 527 70 10 63
Mail: bertus at
Nedal Muhtaseb
Sales - Dutch / Arab / English / German
Tel: 31 (0) 527 68 07 83
Mail: nedal at
Marianne Kramer
Sales - Dutch / French / English / German
Tel: 31 (0) 527 68 07 82
Mail: marianne at
Henry Bakker
Tel: 31 (0) 527 68 07 85
Mail: henry at; info at;invoice at
Thu Hanh
Sales Vietnamese / Thai / Laothian / German / English
Tel: 49 (0) 32221097676
Tel: 31 (0) 527 68 07 88
Mail: thu at
Ramesh Raja
Sales Tamil / Dutch / English
Tel: 31 (0) 527 68 07 84
Mail: raja at
Policarpo J. Olivas
Sales Spanish, French, Portugese, Italian, English
Tel Spain: 34 (0) 649 566 367
Tel Rep. Dominican: 1 (0) 809 778 4040
Mail: polivas at
Marberta Korf
Office assistant Dutch / English
Tel: 31 (0) 527 68 07 86
Mail:marberta at
Warehouse - Albert Korf / Willem Bakker / Fokke Korf
Tel: 31 (0) 527 68 07 89
Mail: expeditie at
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