Proposed removals of Debian GNOME packages

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at
Sat Dec 23 03:57:43 UTC 2017

Because it doesn't do good much good to change the Vcs without doing
an upload to push that metadata upload out and because there's not
much point in uploading something we might remove soon, I've found
several packages I'm proposing we remove from Debian.

- esound (raise the bugs to Serious?) [1]
- gconf-editor (no rdeps, we really want to discourage gconf use)
- gconfmm2.6 (RC bugs filed today) [2]
- gnome-icon-theme-extras (no rdeps, many icons are in
adwaita-icon-theme, several really old phone icons like the Nexus One)
- gnome-search-tool (no rdeps, all decent file browsers offer search)
- alleyoop (removed from Testing)
- gnome-hearts (removed from Testing)
- gtetrinet

A few others have already been removed recently:
- gnome-icon-theme-symbolic
- gnome-python-desktop
- hamster-applet (we orphaned it a while ago, upstream has split it
into separate projects with different names)
- libunique3
- pygtksourceview


Jeremy Bicha

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