Bug#851753: gdm always starts as x-session

Heiko Lechner HeikoLechner at ish.de
Wed Jan 18 22:36:12 UTC 2017

Here are the logs when autologin is disabled

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Name: user-login.log
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URL: <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-gnome-maintainers/attachments/20170118/e7d67141/attachment-0001.bin>
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# GDM configuration storage
# See /usr/share/gdm/gdm.schemas for a list of available options.

# Uncoment the line below to force the login screen to use Xorg

# Enabling automatic login
#  AutomaticLoginEnable = true
#  AutomaticLogin = user1

# Enabling timed login
#  TimedLoginEnable = true
#  TimedLogin = user1
#  TimedLoginDelay = 10





# Uncomment the line below to turn on debugging
# More verbose logs
# Additionally lets the X server dump core if it crashes

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