Bug#788769: marked as done (entangle: FTBFS without networking: relax-ng: failed to load external entity [..] mallard-1.0.rng)

Niels Thykier niels at thykier.net
Sun Mar 12 15:44:00 UTC 2017

Michael Biebl:
> Hi Florian, hi release team
> On Sun, 26 Feb 2017 17:00:22 +0100 Florian Schlichting <fsfs at debian.org>
> wrote:
>> Control: tags -1 +patch
>> Hi Michael, Berlin BSP here.
>> Given that it's too late now to get a mallard-rng package into Stretch,
>> I suggest to ship the mallard-1.0.rng file as part of the yelp-tools
>> package for now (e.g. as /usr/share/yelp-tools/mallard/mallard-1.0.rng)
>> and simply use that as relaxng schema in yelp-check:
> [..]
>> Do you want me to prepare an NMU or would you prefer to validate or
>> improve upon the fix in some way?
> First of all, thanks a lot for working on this.
> I've CCed the release team for their input.
> The issue is, that "yelp-check validate" requires network access as it
> needs the mallard-1.0.rng schema which is not packaged yet [0].


Sorry, this email fell through on our list.

> Now, according to [1], entangle is the only source package actually
> running "yelp-check validate" during build [1]. If there is no network
> access this doesn't lead to a failed build though, as "yelp-check
> validate" always returns 0, even on error (which I consider to be a bug
> [2], fwiw).
> Shipping a copy of the mallard-rng schema in yelp-tools is a workaround
> and I guess Florian agress that packaging the mallard-rng schema is what
> should be done (and help with that would be grealy appreciated).
> I'm undecided whether we should apply the workaround for stretch given
> that we don't produce any build failures, that's why I'd like some input
> from the release team on this:
> Should we apply Florian's patch [3] or tag the bug as stretch-ignore?
> Other suggestions?
> Regards,
> Michael
> [0] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=788769
> [1] https://codesearch.debian.net/search?q=yelp-check+validate
> [2] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=779615

My take:

 1) Shipping a the schema embedded in yelp-tools is ok with me for
    stretch (just remember to update d/copyright as necessary)
 2) Re: "yelp-check validate" - I agree it /ought/ to fail on error.
    Assuming that is what upstream intended, I am fine with a patch
    for that.

I would prefer that at least 1) was applied for stretch as it seems
rather trivial and better than the status quo.


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