Bug#840328: evince: Evince does not received correct keystroke under Wayland

Bruno BEAUFILS bruno+debian at boulgour.com
Wed Sep 13 15:50:08 UTC 2017

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 06:45:36PM -0500, Jason Crain wrote:
> I haven't been able to reproduce the behavior you describe.  Evince

I still have the trouble with some other gnome application on buster.

> following the input sources the same as any other gnome app.

Does not seem to be the case in all cases.

> Here's what I've tried:

I did the exact same thing with completely different results.

> 1. Go into the gnome settings menu for region & language.
> 2. Add a new input source.  I picked French, so now I have two sources,
>    English (US) and French.

I even have 3 differents sources :
- UK English (en),
- French (fr1),
- Macintosh French (fr2).

I generally use the last one since my Purism Librem-13 keyboard is a
UK keyboard and that I am used to the French (Macintosh) layout (my
previous laptop were Macintosh).

> 3. An input source selecter widget appears in the gnome top bar showing
>    "en" as my current input source.
> 4. I test this in gedit.
>     a. Type a few q's in gedit and see q's are entered.

That is also what I get.

>     b. Use the widget to switch to "fr" input source.
>     c. Type a few q's in gedit and see a's are entered.

That is also what I get.

The trouble is using it with the CTRL key.

In gedit (or evince) with the "fr" or "fr2" input source when I try to
close the current document or leave the tool I type the CTRL key and
the key labelled Z (which in the "fr" layout mean W). Nothings

If I want to have the "close document" action happened, I need to type
the CTRL key and the key labelled W (which in the "fr" and "fr2"
layout mean Z).

It seems that with the CTRL key the input source is not respected.

This behavior is nor the one expected, nor the one I got with other
application (such as Firefox-ESR).

I am now using the buster pool on the basic X installation. So I am
not sure that the trouble comes from Wayland.

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