Bug#887492: Bug#887404: libreoffice: LibreOffice eats up 100%CPU even without any document loaded

Rene Engelhard rene at debian.org
Mon Jan 22 09:12:04 UTC 2018


On Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 12:33:16PM +0100, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> They might have just reverted the patch in glib2. Which then according to the
> commit log of glib causes issues in other things.
> Cloning the bug to glib but I am not sure whether it's even worthwhile
> to "fix" (revert the patch), as 6.0 where this behaviour in LO is fixed is
> only ~ 2 weeks away.                                                                               

10:06 < _rene_> caolan:
https://src.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/libreoffice.git/commit/?h=f27&id=ea905ac13095db37edd90d577c0cfc9759a6f718. which "fix in glib"?
10:06  * _rene_ has that "fun" too in 
10:07 <@caolan> _rene_, 
10:08 -!- scarabeus [~quassel at opensuse/member/scarabeus] has joined 
10:08 < _rene_> ok, will give that to our glib people. thankfully we don't have 
                that in a stable release so I can just upload 6.0 and it also 
                will work at least for LO :)
10:08 < _rene_> thanks



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