Bug#888549: chrome-gnome-shell: Please don't use /etc/opt, it's not FHS-compliant

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at debian.org
Sat Jan 27 00:06:23 UTC 2018

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 6:46 PM, Santiago Vila <sanvila at unex.es> wrote:
> It has come to my attention (via Bug #888243) than this package uses /etc/opt.
> The opt directories exist for "add-on" packages, i.e. those who are
> not provided by Debian.
> Well-behaved FHS-compliant packages should not use any of the opt
> directories (/opt, /etc/opt or /var/opt).

I respectfully disagree. chrome-gnome-shell ships a file in /etc/opt/
because that is where Google Chrome looks for overrides.

Please read https://bugs.debian.org/840235 and

Jeremy Bicha

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