Bug#888549: chrome-gnome-shell: Please don't use /etc/opt, it's not FHS-compliant

Santiago Vila sanvila at unex.es
Sat Jan 27 00:25:35 UTC 2018

On Sat, Jan 27, 2018 at 12:15:38AM +0000, Simon McVittie wrote:
> On Sat, 27 Jan 2018 at 00:46:27 +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
> > It has come to my attention (via Bug #888243) than this package uses /etc/opt.
> > 
> > The opt directories exist for "add-on" packages, i.e. those who are
> > not provided by Debian.
> chrome-gnome-shell uses /etc/opt to get itself loaded by Chrome, and for
> no other reason. It's the inverse of how Chrome (which correctly uses
> /{,etc/,var/}opt for its main content) has to put its .desktop file in
> /usr/{local/,}share/applications, because FHS-compliant desktop
> environments don't look for .desktop files in /opt.
> Is there a way it can be loaded by Chrome without dropping integration
> files into the directory Chrome is going to look in?

I have no idea. Maybe we should ask Google to build Chrome without the
opt thing (while opt is for add-on packages, using opt is not
mandatory for add-on packages).

> (chrome-gnome-shell is simultaneously an extension for Chrome, Chromium
> and Firefox, so it installs appropriate integration files for all three
> into /etc/opt/chrome, /etc/chromium and /usr/lib/mozilla respectively.)

Ok, I was going to suggest "contrib" but since the package is also for
Chromium and Firefox, it would not make a lot of sense.

Anyway: Would "mkdir -p /etc/opt" in postrm solve the problem with piuparts?


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