lbglib-json in Jessie

Allin Cottrell cottrell at
Sun Jul 8 23:23:32 BST 2018

Apologies for butting in, but maybe I can clarify a little. (I'm a 
co-developer of gretl with Riccardo.)

The upstream software in question is called json-glib, and the 
Debian packages are libjson-glib*. (The names have gone a little 
adrift up-thread.)

We use json-glib in gretl and are concerned that the version 
supplied with Debian Jessie (namely, 1.0.2) has a significant bug 
that was fixed in version 1.0.4. The latter is just a patch-level 
update so it seems to me Jessie might reasonably offer an update to 

However, if the preferred policy is minimal change, then (as Charles 
Lamb suggested) the release of a revised version of libjson-glib 
1.0.2 for Jessie with the key fix cherry-picked would be fine by us. 
In that case (maybe I'm repeating what's up-thread), the relevant 
patch can be found as Attachment 293136 at

Allin Cottrell
Department of Economics
Wake Forest University

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