Processed: [bts-link] source package yelp

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at
Thu May 24 18:39:20 BST 2018

Processing commands for control at

> #
> # bts-link upstream status pull for source package yelp
> # see
> #
> user debian-bts-link at
Setting user to debian-bts-link at (was debian-bts-link at
> # remote status report for #379302 (
> # Bug title: yelp: It doesn't show some manual pages
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: NEW -> RESOLVED
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> OBSOLETE
> #  * closed upstream
> tags 379302 + fixed-upstream
Bug #379302 [yelp] yelp: It doesn't show some manual pages
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream.
> usertags 379302 - status-NEW
Usertags were: status-NEW.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 379302 + status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: resolution-OBSOLETE status-RESOLVED.
> # remote status report for #379317 (
> # Bug title: yelp: Search results with one result are useless
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: NEW -> RESOLVED
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> OBSOLETE
> #  * closed upstream
> tags 379317 + fixed-upstream
Bug #379317 [yelp] yelp: Search results with one result are useless
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream.
> usertags 379317 - status-NEW
Usertags were: status-NEW.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 379317 + status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: resolution-OBSOLETE status-RESOLVED.
> # remote status report for #467524 (
> # Bug title: doc pages take way too long to load
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: NEW -> RESOLVED
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> OBSOLETE
> #  * closed upstream
> tags 467524 + fixed-upstream
Bug #467524 [yelp] doc pages take way too long to load
Bug #459022 [yelp] gnumeric: Help browser always takes ages
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream.
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream.
> usertags 467524 - status-NEW
Usertags were: status-NEW.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 467524 + status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: resolution-OBSOLETE status-RESOLVED.
> # remote status report for #467524 (
> # Bug title: doc pages take way too long to load
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: NEW -> RESOLVED
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> OBSOLETE
> #  * closed upstream
> tags 467524 + fixed-upstream
Bug #467524 [yelp] doc pages take way too long to load
Bug #459022 [yelp] gnumeric: Help browser always takes ages
Ignoring request to alter tags of bug #467524 to the same tags previously set
Ignoring request to alter tags of bug #459022 to the same tags previously set
> usertags 467524 - status-NEW
Usertags were: resolution-OBSOLETE status-RESOLVED.
Usertags are now: resolution-OBSOLETE status-RESOLVED.
> usertags 467524 + status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE
Usertags were: status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE.
Usertags are now: status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE.
> # remote status report for #643830 (
> # Bug title: yelp: Links in info page don't work : The requested URI ... is invalid
> #  *
> #  * remote status changed: NEW -> RESOLVED
> #  * remote resolution changed: (?) -> OBSOLETE
> #  * closed upstream
> tags 643830 + fixed-upstream
Bug #643830 [yelp] yelp: Links in info page don't work : The requested URI ... is invalid
Added tag(s) fixed-upstream.
> usertags 643830 - status-NEW
Usertags were: status-NEW.
Usertags are now: .
> usertags 643830 + status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE
There were no usertags set.
Usertags are now: status-RESOLVED resolution-OBSOLETE.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems

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