Bug#909849: evince: apparmor profile hardening

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at debian.org
Tue Oct 2 16:44:27 BST 2018

Control: user -1 pkg-apparmor-team at lists.alioth.debian.org
Control: usertags -1 + modify-profile

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 10:15 AM Jamie Strandboge <jamie at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> In Ubuntu, the attached patch was applied to achieve the following:
>   * debian/apparmor-profile.abstraction, apparmor-profile: harden the profile
>     - add preamble for expectations of the profile

There is more discussion of this issue in
https://launchpad.net/bugs/1788929 where it's being treated as a
security bug.

I don't have any experience with AppArmor rules so I'm considering
just merging this unless anyone else wants to weigh in.

Jeremy Bicha

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