Bug#911082: nautilus-python: please build against python3

Georg Faerber georg at riseup.net
Mon Oct 15 14:20:48 BST 2018

Package: nautilus-python
Version: 1.2.2-1
Control: block 910491 with -1

Hi all,

As discussed on IRC:

11:39 < georg> Hi all, thanks for the upload of nautilus-python 1.2.2-1. It still builds against python2, which currently blocks #910491, as that needs python3
11:39 -zwiebelbot:#debian-gnome- Debian#910491: mat2: Please package the Nautilus extension - https://bugs.debian.org/910491
11:39 < georg> Any plan to build against python3 as well?
11:39 < georg> or in addition to, and ship python3-nautilus?
12:41 < jbicha> georg: python-nautilus has a lot of reverse dependencies. Someone would need to test which ones work with python3 and which don't
12:41 < jbicha> and the package would need to be split
12:42 < jbicha> and it looks like there is a single pkgconfig file so that's "interesting"
12:42 < jbicha> anyway, I'm not working on it :)
12:58 < georg> jbicha: thanks a lot! should we track progress in a bug against nautilus-python, or is it fine as is for the time being?
12:59 < jbicha> please open a bug
13:12 < georg> jbicha: sorry, I read "anyway, I'm working on it", that's why I asked.. I'll open a bug report
13:13 < jbicha> yeah, no one's working on it. :(
13:14 < jbicha> I eventually fixed bug 907591 but it wasn't precise enough :|
13:15 < georg> wouldn't it be possible to introduce python3-nautilus (while still shipping python-nautilus), and without checking all the rdepends
13:15 < georg> so, leaving the rdepends as is, and new packages could depend on python3-nautilus
13:16 < jbicha> you still have the pkgconfig issue and you still probably need to split the documentation out of python-nautilus
13:16 < jbicha> but feel free to open a merge request if you think you have something that works
13:17 < jbicha> https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/nautilus-python
13:17 < georg> alright

Thanks for your work,
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