Bug#893792: balsa: Unable to send mail since the latest upgrade

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at debian.org
Sun Sep 16 18:23:14 BST 2018

On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 9:09 AM Nicolas Patrois
<nicolas.patrois at gmail.com> wrote:
> Till the latest upgrade, Balsa can’t send mail anymore.
> The remote server complains that:
> * It doesn’t support STARTTLS when I try with TLS,
> * the password is wrong when I try with SSL.
> But the password is OK and TLS used to work until yesterday.

I suspect that no one on the Debian GNOME team uses balsa.

Since you reported this bug, there has been a bugfix release (2.5.6)
for balsa and many other changes in Debian Unstable. Are you still
able to reproduce this issue?

If so, does 2.5.3-4 from Debian Testing still work?

Jeremy Bicha

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