Bug#909328: More information and new backtrace
Léon van Velzen
leonvanvelzen at protonmail.com
Sun Sep 23 16:19:44 BST 2018
> How do you exactly set the size from vim? Do you put these lines in vimrc,
> or you type these commands interactively, etc., how exactly? I'm asking
> because let's say whether the two dimensions are modified in a single step
> or in two consecutive steps might make a difference.
I typ them in interactively. Although if I put the command in my .vimrc the same crash occurs.
> What's your display server (X vs. Wayland), what graphical desktop and
> window manager do you use? I'm asking because potentially all of them
> behaves somewhat differently.
I have a process called XWayland running so I suppose it's Wayland.
> Does vim's startup always crash gnome-terminal for you? If not then
> approximately how often?
It's not Vim's startup that causes the crash. It's only when issuing the command ':set lines=999'.
It does crash consistently, although I noticed if the terminal is already full screen the command
is ignored so the terminals do not crash. Maybe that's the reason you can not reproduce it?
> A backtrace would indeed be great, I'd add to Bernhard's response that
> libvte-2.91-0 should also be compiled with debug symbols, since the crash
> is most likely inside vte.
> nowadays there are -dbg packages not very common.
> Instead there is a different repository to deliver automatic -dbgsym packages.
> e.g. "deb
> http://debug.mirrors.debian.org/debian-debug/
> testing-debug main"
> as described in the link in the previous mail.
> From there a package like "vim-dbgsym_8.1.0320-1_amd64.deb should be installable.
I have done my best to collect the dbg packages. I included the new backtrace (it is called backtrace2.txt). It seems the symbols
for the first few functions are not available but I do not know which debug packages are missing.
> So from your backtrace.txt it looks more like vim is crashing as gnome-terminal.
> How have you started vim? Something like from a file explorer and open in vim?
> Or have you stared directly inside the terminal?
> I do not see currently any connection between all gnome-terminals closing and one
> vim instance changing its size. Probably you can give some more details how
> this can be reporoduced?
Directly inside the terminal. Here you can see a screencast of me causing a crash: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h3bnsi4lbgymlk5/Screencast%20from%2009-23-2018%2004%3A35%3A13%20PM.webm?dl=0
> So what looks like the path like, at least how long is it?
As you can see in the linked screencast I do not specify a filename. Although when I do, for example
using 'vim test.txt' the problem persists.
I have also tried to attach gdb debugger using another terminal program to the Vim executable. This
results in the backtrace 'backtrace-vim.txt' which is also attached. I have found that my vim executable
is a symbolic link to the vim.basic executable. This would mean the two backtraces contradict each other.
The first, produced with 'coredumpctl gdb' talks about a segmentation fault. The backtrace produced
by attaching gdb directly (backtrace-vim.txt) mentions a 'SIGHUP' signal, which makes sense since
gnome-terminal does seem to crash.
Also, I am not affected anymore by this problem, but of course other people might run into this so it's still
worthwhile trying to find the root cause.
Thanks again,
Léon van Velzen
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