Bug#885657: rarian: Don't release with Buster

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at debian.org
Sun Sep 30 14:44:39 BST 2018

On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 2:54 AM Niels Thykier <niels at thykier.net> wrote:
> FYI: There are still ~15-16 open bugs on the bts tagged rarian (I have
> made them blockers via a separate update).  If the plan is still to
> remove rarian for Buster, these bugs should be resolved before the
> transition freeze (2019-01-12).

Thanks for the reminder. We basically just need someone to write the
patches for this packages (several of the remaining packages need
their buildsystem modified a bit).

I don't think anyone has worked on this recently so it might not get
done in time for Buster, but it's still an achievable goal now.

Jeremy Bicha

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