Bug#932361: [gnome flashback] gnome-desktop-flashback does not start

Dmitry Shachnev mitya57 at debian.org
Wed Aug 21 11:36:29 BST 2019

Hi Joachim,

On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 02:32:41PM +0200, Joachim Schmidt wrote:
> I installed new stable with old /home directory --> flashback does not
> start. gnome and gnome-classic do start normal.
> After that also gnome-flashback in oldstable doesn't start.

Can you please check if /var/log/syslog has any errors when the session
fails to start? Or maybe attach that file, I will look at it myself.

Also, can you please make sure that you don’t have any files named
like gnome-flashback* in your ~/.local/share/applications? Some users
had problems starting session because of that:


Dmitry Shachnev
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