Bug#921705: gnome: Please do not override debian-xterm.desktop file

Ben Wong bugs.debian.org at wongs.net
Fri Feb 8 08:24:58 GMT 2019

Package: gnome
Version: 1:3.22+3
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

When using the Gnome desktop, I cannot find the xterm icon by clicking
on Activities or by hitting the Super key and typing "xterm". I know
that I can run xterm by using Alt-F2, but that is not what I am
looking for.

Whenever I install Debian and use its default desktop, Gnome, it
always appears like xterm is missing. If I hit the Super key and type
in "term" I get these responses:

    * Multilingual Terminal
    * Thai X Terminal
    * Terminal		    [Presumably Gnome-Terminal]

If I type in "xterm", Gnome just says "Searching..." until I get tired
and cancel it.

However, xterm is installed and it even has a proper desktop entry in
/usr/share/applications/debian-xterm.desktop. I wasted way too much
time investigating why this didn't work, since it clearly should.

It turns out that some part of Gnome is creating a *second* desktop
file which disables the first one by setting NoDisplay = True. This is
extremely frustrating and unnecessary. The file is

I would like to tell you which part of Gnome is the culprit, but
`dpkg -S` on the file says it doesn't belong to any packages.

I can understand that certain distributions derived from Debian —
those which believe minimalism equates to simplicity — may wish to
hide "redundant" functionality like `xterm`. However, it doesn't make
sense to hide xterm from Debian users. And if it did, it certainly
should not be implemented in such a hard to discover way.

I request that Debian's Gnome stop overriding debian-xterm.desktop,

Thank you.

P.S. Any distributions derived from Debian would of course be free to
create their own package which overrides debian-xterm.desktop. 
I suggest those distributions, instead of creating a second file,
create a package that runs

dpkg-divert --divert /usr/share/applications/debian-xterm.desktop.disabled \
	    --rename /usr/share/applications/debian-xterm.desktop
That way, they will have stopped xterm from cluttering their menus,
but in a way that might be more easily discoverable by users trying to
re-enable it.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 9.6
  APT prefers stable-updates
  APT policy: (500, 'stable-updates'), (500, 'stable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)

Kernel: Linux 4.9.0-8-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores)
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)
Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash
Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system)

Versions of packages gnome depends on:
ii  avahi-daemon                     0.6.32-2
ii  cheese                           3.22.1-1+b1
ii  cups-pk-helper                   0.2.6-1+b1
ii  desktop-base                     9.0.2+deb9u1
ii  evolution                        3.22.6-1+deb9u1
ii  evolution-plugins                3.22.6-1+deb9u1
ii  file-roller                      3.22.3-1
ii  gedit-plugins                    3.22.0-1
ii  gimp                             2.8.18-1+deb9u1
ii  gnome-calendar                   3.22.4-2
ii  gnome-clocks                     3.22.1-1
ii  gnome-color-manager              3.22.2-1
ii  gnome-core                       1:3.22+3
ii  gnome-dictionary                 3.20.0-3+b1
ii  gnome-documents                  3.22.1-1
ii  gnome-getting-started-docs       3.22.0-1
ii  gnome-maps                       3.22.2-1
ii  gnome-music                      3.22.2-1
ii  gnome-orca                       3.22.2-3
ii  gnome-screenshot                 3.22.0-1+b1
ii  gnome-sound-recorder             3.21.92-2
ii  gnome-tweak-tool                 3.22.0-1
ii  gnome-weather                    3.20.2-1
ii  gstreamer1.0-libav               1.10.4-1
ii  gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly        1.10.4-1
ii  inkscape                         0.92.1-1
ii  libgsf-bin                       1.14.41-1
ii  libgtk2-perl                     2:1.2499-1
ii  libproxy1-plugin-networkmanager  0.4.14-2
ii  libreoffice-calc                 1:5.2.7-1+deb9u4
ii  libreoffice-evolution            1:5.2.7-1+deb9u4
ii  libreoffice-gnome                1:5.2.7-1+deb9u4
ii  libreoffice-impress              1:5.2.7-1+deb9u4
ii  libreoffice-writer               1:5.2.7-1+deb9u4
ii  nautilus-sendto                  3.8.4-2+b1
ii  network-manager-gnome            1.4.4-1+deb9u1
ii  rhythmbox                        3.4.1-2+b1
ii  rhythmbox-plugin-cdrecorder      3.4.1-2+b1
ii  rhythmbox-plugins                3.4.1-2+b1
ii  rygel-playbin                    0.32.1-3
ii  rygel-tracker                    0.32.1-3
ii  seahorse                         3.20.0-3.1
ii  shotwell                         0.25.4+really0.24.5-0.1
ii  simple-scan                      3.23.2-1
ii  totem-plugins                    3.22.1-1
ii  vinagre                          3.22.0-1+b1
ii  xdg-user-dirs-gtk                0.10-1+b1

Versions of packages gnome recommends:
ii  brasero           3.12.1-4
ii  gnome-games       1:3.22+3
ii  polari            3.22.2-1
ii  transmission-gtk  2.92-2+deb9u1

Versions of packages gnome suggests:
pn  alacarte                                 <none>
pn  empathy                                  <none>
pn  firefox-esr-l10n-all | firefox-l10n-all  <none>
pn  goobox | sound-juicer                    <none>
pn  xul-ext-gnome-keyring                    <none>
pn  xul-ext-ublock-origin                    <none>

Versions of packages gnome-core depends on:
ii  adwaita-icon-theme            3.22.0-1+deb9u1
ii  at-spi2-core                  2.22.0-6+deb9u1
ii  baobab                        3.22.1-1
ii  caribou                       0.4.21-1+b1
ii  chrome-gnome-shell            8-4
ii  dconf-cli                     0.26.0-2+b1
ii  dconf-gsettings-backend       0.26.0-2+b1
ii  eog                           3.20.5-1+b1
ii  evince                        3.22.1-3+deb9u1
ii  evolution-data-server         3.22.7-1
ii  firefox-esr                   60.4.0esr-1~deb9u1
ii  fonts-cantarell               0.0.25-2
ii  gdm3                          3.22.3-3+deb9u2
ii  gedit                         3.22.0-2
ii  gkbd-capplet        
ii  glib-networking               2.50.0-1+b1
ii  gnome-backgrounds             3.22.1-1
ii  gnome-bluetooth               3.20.1-1
ii  gnome-calculator              3.22.3-1
ii  gnome-characters              3.22.0-1
ii  gnome-contacts                3.22.1-1+b2
ii  gnome-control-center          1:3.22.2-3
ii  gnome-disk-utility            3.22.1-1
ii  gnome-font-viewer             3.22.0-1+b1
ii  gnome-keyring                 3.20.0-3
ii  gnome-logs                    3.22.1-2
ii  gnome-menus                   3.13.3-9
ii  gnome-online-accounts         3.22.5-1
ii  gnome-online-miners           3.22.0-1
ii  gnome-session                 3.22.3-1
ii  gnome-settings-daemon         3.22.2-2+deb9u2
ii  gnome-shell                   3.22.3-3
ii  gnome-shell-extensions        3.22.2-1
ii  gnome-software                3.22.5-1
ii  gnome-sushi                   3.21.91-2
ii  gnome-system-monitor          3.22.2-1
ii  gnome-terminal                3.22.2-1
ii  gnome-themes-standard         3.22.2-2
ii  gnome-user-guide              3.22.0-1
ii  gnome-user-share              3.18.3-1+b1
ii  gsettings-desktop-schemas     3.22.0-1
ii  gstreamer1.0-plugins-base     1.10.4-1
ii  gstreamer1.0-plugins-good     1.10.4-1
ii  gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio       1.10.4-1
ii  gvfs-backends                 1.30.4-1
ii  gvfs-bin                      1.30.4-1
ii  gvfs-fuse                     1.30.4-1
ii  libatk-adaptor                2.22.0-2
ii  libcanberra-pulse             0.30-3
ii  libcaribou-gtk-module         0.4.21-1+b1
ii  libcaribou-gtk3-module        0.4.21-1+b1
ii  libpam-gnome-keyring          3.20.0-3
ii  libproxy1-plugin-gsettings    0.4.14-2
ii  nautilus                      3.22.3-1+deb9u1
ii  pulseaudio                    10.0-1+deb9u1
ii  sound-theme-freedesktop       0.8-1
ii  system-config-printer-common  1.5.7-3
ii  system-config-printer-udev    1.5.7-3+b1
ii  totem                         3.22.1-1
ii  tracker-gui                   1.10.5-1
ii  vino                          3.22.0-1
ii  yelp                          3.22.0-1
ii  zenity                        3.22.0-1+b1

Versions of packages gnome-core recommends:
ii  anacron                          2.3-24
ii  libproxy1-plugin-networkmanager  0.4.14-2
ii  network-manager-gnome            1.4.4-1+deb9u1

gnome-core suggests no packages.

-- no debconf information


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