Bug#928662: Additional log sample

hoxp18 hoxp18 at noramail.jp
Thu May 9 12:14:15 BST 2019

Dear maintainers,

I found some logs may have relationship with this log flooding.

org.gnome.Shell.desktop[PID]: libinput error:
  client bug: timer event5 debounce: offset negative (-18ms) 

org.gnome.Shell.desktop[PID]: libinput error:
  client bug: timer event5 debounce short: offset negative (-32ms)
... and a lot of time/timestamp logs follows

* It was during Mozilla Firefox session.
* Only GNOME terminal and byobu were there at the moment.
* I guess this may related with IBus-mozc,
   which has my own AppArmor profiles, under enforce mode.

since this Buster is still "testing" on my main machine,
disabling those LSM is not my option, sorry.
I need safenet in case some apps' crashes.

I'll try some when I have time on another amd64 test machines;
just please do not expect. My resouces are becoming a bit tight.


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