Bug#928662: Summary

hoxp18 hoxp18 at noramail.jp
Tue May 14 12:34:13 BST 2019

Dear maintainers,

After I tested some more conditions,
I guess the situation is something like this.

Case 1. Text compositions in GUI apps cause time-delta log flood

It seems using IBus-Mozc does not have direct relationship.

Typing without Mozc did also triggered log flood.

Case 2. CLI apps in GNOME terminal like vim.nox cause no log flood

Note that vim.nox has my own AppArmor profile, enforce mode.
(as I reported, Firefox/Thunderbird, Mozc also have enforce profiles)

I use it both direct English input and Japanese input using IBus-Mozc.


Since Buster release note says AppArmor be enabled,
I think this report should be shared among those teams;

   AppArmor, GNOME, IBus, Mozc, Firefox and Thunderbird.
   (and some other teams working on them.)

/var/log grows almost twice as faster as Stretch.
(perhaps because of this log flooding.)

Here is a comparison.


MOUNTPOINT               READ            WRITE
============ ================ ================
/                  56,972,288          143,360
swap                3,461,120                0
/usr              534,639,616           32,768
/usr/share        122,262,528           32,768
/var               95,077,376        4,530,176
/var/cache         32,281,600          335,872
/var/log            3,752,960        4,923,392 [*]
/var/mail           3,408,896        2,056,192
/var/spool          3,433,472        1,888,256
/var/tmp            3,478,528          344,064
/home             460,911,616      666,267,648
NVMe            1,459,373,056    2,603,304,960

Buster :

MOUNTPOINT               READ            WRITE
============ ================ ================
/                  11,027,456        2,101,248
swap                3,936,256                0
/usr              809,444,352        1,683,456
/usr/share        415,286,272       92,102,656
/var              404,100,096      408,010,752
/var/cache         77,231,104      324,669,440
/var/mail           3,834,880        1,118,208
/var/log            4,326,400        9,932,800 [*]
/var/spool          3,900,416        1,404,928
/var/tmp            3,990,528        1,007,616
/home             490,771,456      432,697,344
NVMe            2,313,611,776    1,274,768,384


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