Bug#941640: gnome-session: Gnome 3.34 fails to start showing grey screen "Oh no, something has gone wrong"

Drew Parsons dparsons at debian.org
Thu Oct 3 13:18:03 BST 2019

On 2019-10-03 19:55, Andreas Henriksson wrote:
>> So Gnome 3.34 is currently unusable.
> FWIW I have a hard time agreeing with this conclusion.
> One solution would be to simply drop support for "System X11 Default"
> which we're currently patching in. I'd say using it is not recommended
> and it only exists for legacy reasons. If you're using GNOME you should
> use either of the GNOME sessions and if not, then you should probably
> use something else than gdm. (And given this I don't think the current
> severity is warranted either.)

Fair call, Gnome standard is fine (it also seemed to be failing when I 
first filed the bug, it must have cleared after reboot).  Whether the 
bug severity should be downgraded depends I guess on how important the 
"Gnome classic" mode is.


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