Bug#966854: iagno: FTBFS: ../src/perfs-tests-generator.vala:45.16-45.20: error: The name `Posix' does not exist in the context of `PerfsTestsGenerator.handle_local_options'

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Mon Aug 3 12:43:37 BST 2020

Control: reassign -1 meson 0.55.0-2
Control: affects -1 + iagno

On Mon, 03 Aug 2020 at 10:02:31 +0200, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
> During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
> on amd64.

Some test results:

* Everything from unstable: fails
* Everything from unstable, except meson from bullseye: OK
* Everything from bullseye, except meson from unstable: fails
* Everything from bullseye: OK

In the failing build (on bullseye but with unstable's meson), the failing
command seems to be:

valac -C --pkg gio-2.0 --color=always --directory src/iagno-perfs-tests-generator.p --basedir ../src --enable-experimental-non-null ../src/vapi/config.vapi ../src/perfs-tests-generator.vala ../src/computer-player.vala ../src/computer-reversi.vala ../src/game.vala ../src/player.vala

In the successful build (on pure bullseye) the corresponding command seems
to be this:

[8/47] valac -C --pkg posix --pkg gio-2.0 --color=always --directory src/25a6634@@iagno-perfs-tests-generator at exe --basedir ../src --enable-experimental-non-null ../src/vapi/config.vapi ../src/perfs-tests-generator.vala ../src/computer-player.vala ../src/computer-reversi.vala ../src/game.vala ../src/player.vala

so it seems meson 0.55.0 has stopped passing "--pkg posix" to valac,
even though it still prints:

    Library posix found: YES

during the configure step. So I think this looks like a meson regression.


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