Bug#967937: gimp-python: not installable: depends on "python"

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Wed Aug 26 14:27:04 BST 2020

Control: retitle -1 gimp-python: no longer available since bullseye
Control: reassign -1 src:gimp 2.10.12-1
Control: severity -1 wishlist

On Wed, 05 Aug 2020 at 12:03:36 +0200, Adam Borowski wrote:
> As the package "python" is no more, gimp-python can no longer be installed.
> It needs to either depend on "python2" (in the short term) or, preferably,
> be updated for py3.

This binary package was removed from the gimp source package in 2019. It
can't be updated to depend on python2 instead of python, because it
requires PyGTK2 (python-gtk2), which has been removed from Debian.

Wanting the Python bindings back is a reasonable feature request,
but unlikely to be resolved any time soon. The upstream master branch
(GIMP 3), which diverged from the 2.10.x branch more than 2 years ago,
uses GTK 3 and Python 3. I don't know what its status is, but if you
want to help the GNOME team by trying to package a snapshot of that in
experimental, please go ahead...


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