🎄 Our gift for your upcoming Holidays
E-bike shop
oferta at aiksklep.si
Thu Dec 17 10:14:43 GMT 2020
Dragon eBike is Manufactured in Poznań - Poland table, tr, td
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Design Warranty Account Shop
We wish You Merry Christmas and All the Best in New 2021
Dear friends and clients, difficult and full unpleasant surprises year
is almost behind us. We hope that your new prohibitions in pretty much
everything did not take you away from friends and family, and distract
you from old and beautiful traditions.
We strongly believe that 2000 years of tradition cannot be changed by
one TV show, and that regardless of the dramatic futures which promised
to us, we can live on way which suits to us.
We sincerely wish for you, to retrieve confidence and smile that was
deliberately taken away from us and that the days to come will become
the happier than they have ever been
We would like to inform you that the production facility of Dragon
eBike in Poznań - Poland, worked from time to time with reduced
capacity but never closed its doors and delivery time is reduced from
3-5 weeks to 1-2 weeks.
In the last few months we have been working on a redesign of the Dragon
Bike, so the 2021 model, which started with production in November
2020, comes with many improvements such as: Better breaks, integrates
cables, updates software, a stronger folding system
The refreshed model we made for stock, will ready for delivery for all
order since December 11th 2020.
We have decided to offer our clients and friends a refreshed Dragon
eBike model at the best price during the Christmas and New Year
All orders during the upcoming holidays will be processed and prepared
for delivery within a few days. Delivery time from all EU countries is
between 2-6 working days, and is free for all orders until the end of
the year.
Use coupon code CHRISTMAS on "Cart" pages and reduced price for 50%. If
you buy more than one e Bike you will get for free 2 additional Lithium
Ion battery. On two Dragon eBike with 2 extra batteries and free
shipping you can save amazing 70% or retail price, and on a completely
new model
Gutschein: CHRISTMAS
Aik Distribution Sp. z o.o.
00-140 Warszawa, Poland
Monday – Friday: 10 AM – 5PM
Free delivery
Safe Payment
Safe Payment -->
2-Year Warranty
2-Year Warranty -->
Easy Returns
Within 30 days
Write us to Customer Support
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You have the right to access, update, modify, transfer, delete, or
restrict the access of your personal information at any time by
contacting our Customer Service Team: Here
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newsletter, click here.
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