Bug#974937: evince: crashes then runs

Bernhard Übelacker bernhardu at mailbox.org
Fri Dec 25 19:33:14 GMT 2020

Dear Maintainer,
I am sorry but I missed the offset of 42 in the kernel output,
which shows 42 bytes before the crashing instruction marked with "< >".
The location where the crash happened would therefore
not be in line 351, instead it would be in 355.

    0x00438186 <+102>:   push   0x14(%ebp)

That matches also the last three digits in ip value in the kernel output.

Then, based on the 0x14, the assumption would be that the priv
pointer might have contained an invalid value.
The segfaulting address is at 0xfffffdd4 kind of near 0.
Therefore might here private pointer "below" the ev_recent_view pointer by 0x240,
and ev_recent_view be a null pointer in this crash?

But still a proper backtrace would be helpful.

Kind regards,


355         gnome_desktop_thumbnail_factory_save_thumbnail (priv->thumbnail_factory,
356                                                         thumbnail, data->uri, data->mtime);

(gdb) print &((EvRecentViewPrivate *)0)->thumbnail_factory
$2 = (GnomeDesktopThumbnailFactory **) 0x14

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