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Elektrisches faltbares E-Bike news at foldablebike.club
Wed Jun 3 13:00:44 BST 2020

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{font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;} NexFan Ultra is a portable
AC with powerful cooling




>From Prototype to Final Product

During the development and testing stage, we tried to make Dragon eBike
durable and elegant as much as possible. Elegant frame without hole is
made from super strong Aluminum-Magnesium alloys capable to carry
weight up to 160 kg. High quality battery and engine are developed and
made by an US company. Hydraulics brakes come from Shimano and
Honeycomb Embed tires from Kenda. The final product is big breakthrough
since prototype from 2018 and it's better in every measurable way.

 Shipping has started!


Official Presentation Dragon eBike 21st June 2020    Get your Dragon
eBike before Official Presentation in June. 3.000 eBikes will be
shipped in next 30 day and only limited number left available for order

Order Now


We created an exclusive Pre-Premiere offer    Use your exclusive coupon
code AL2KX on "Cart" pages to reduces final price and get Dragon eBike
before anyone else

Order Now

 Elegant & Foldable


Equipped with quick-release battery to improve ease of use and safety.
  19.6kg Weight | 250W Motor | 25km/h Speed

Order Now

 I Love It


LOVE IT OR RETURN IT !    Ride it for 30 days on your own roads. If you
don't love it, return it. We'll even cover the return shipping costs

Order Now


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 AIK Distribution | Warszawa | Poland © 2020 Dragon eBike , All
rights reserved

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