Bug#953105: gtk-update-icon-cache does not produce reproducible results on 32-bit architectures

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Wed Mar 4 18:22:31 GMT 2020

Hi dkg,

> But it seems odd that the 32-bit architectures would produce
> unreproducible caches when the 64-bit version is reproducible.

I haven't checked the build history but assuming this is not in-of
itself a nondetermistic distinction (in which I would blame the hash
table usage) then this is likely due to filesystem ordering. Indeed if
you look at gtk/updateiconcache.c src:gtk+3.0 then, after a quick
skim, both of these things are apparent in this file.

Anyway, I've added this issue and bug to the Reproducible Builds
"notes" git repository:


… and tagged the src:balsa package with this issue:


(Very rough and ready of course, but even this approximate tagging
is very helpful to us.)

Best wishes,

     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      lamby at debian.org 🍥 chris-lamb.co.uk

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