Bug#960527: libcroco: CVE-2020-12825

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Wed May 13 17:02:32 BST 2020

On Wed, 13 May 2020 at 17:21:44 +0200, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> CVE-2020-12825[0]:
> | libcroco through 0.6.13 has excessive recursion in
> | cr_parser_parse_any_core in cr-parser.c, leading to stack consumption.

Mitigation: here are the only things in >= stable that depend on libcroco:

- gnome-shell, cinnamon: I don't think these parse untrusted CSS, only
  CSS that comes from GNOME Shell itself or a Shell extension (which can
  execute arbitrary code with the user's privileges *anyway*, so they're
  inherently trusted).

  gnome-shell in unstable contains a cut-down fork of croco, in which
  the developers are deleting unused code and redoing what's left in Rust,
  using Mozilla's underlying parser; similar reasoning applies to that.

  cinnamon is basically a fork of an old version of GNOME Shell, so it's
  still using libcroco.

- gettext: seems to be part of term-styled-ostream, an ANSI terminal text
  highlighting library[1], rather than parsing anything untrusted.

  There is a vendored copy included, but Debian uses the system copy.

- librsvg in stable

  In unstable, librsvg was rewritten in Rust, using Mozilla's underlying

- libccss in stable

  This package is unmaintained upstream and was removed from

(I suspect the GNOME team might end up orphaning libcroco, now that no
GNOME components depend on it any more.)

I think the only one of those that's potentially of interest from the
point of view of denial-of-service in a long-running process is librsvg in
stable, and even that seems more likely to be used as a batch-mode tool,
via imagemagick or rsvg-convert(1) or similar.


[1] Yes, really.

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