Bug#985188: 64-bit value - wrong interpretation

Andrei POPESCU andreimpopescu at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 09:13:46 GMT 2021

Control: reassign -1 ghex 3.18.4

On Du, 14 mar 21, 05:14:44, Hotaru Neko wrote:
> Package: ghex  Version: 3.18.4   The "Signed 64 bit" is interpreted wrongly. For string "10 00 00 1A 10 00 00 00" it shows "436207632". Additionally Ghex truncated 10GB file to about 2GB. It is probably also problem with interpretation of "long long int" / int64 as int32. BTW. Please install Mantis, Bugzilla or other modern bugtracker. Reporting via e-mail is very uncomfortable and probably many bugs are not reported due to this problem ( user-unfriendly interface).    Kernel:  5.4.0-66-generic

Wrong package due to mangled newlines.

Kind regards,
Looking after bugs assigned to unknown or inexistent packages
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