Bug#514453: Bug#757535: #514453 - nautilus: should properly unmount fuse mounts

Thomas Uhle thomas.uhle at mailbox.tu-dresden.de
Fri May 28 14:00:04 BST 2021

Hi Mike,

I guess I'm not in the position to make such a decision but for me it 
sounds reasonable.

As far as I can confirm, it is working with sshfs/3.7.1+repack-1 together 
with mount/2.36.1-7 and libmount1/2.36.1-7 resp. which are the currently 
packaged versions for bullseye. I have never tested an older version of 
mount from util-linux after version 2.33.1-0.1 because I am basically 
still on Debian 10 (buster) and, thus, just recently faced the same 
problem and on my way for a solution came upon PR 705 for util-linux on 
Github that made its way into version 2.34. So as there aren't any newer 
packages in buster-backports, I manually updated all the binary packages 
of util-linux, sshfs, libselinux, etc. to the current versions from 
bullseye. Et voilà, it is working like it is supposed to be.

Long story short, there is strong evidence that it's also working with the 
binary packages from util-linux/2.34-0.1 but I haven't tested those.

Best regards,


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