Bug#1008782: gnome-core: Install gnome-text-editor by default

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Fri Apr 1 20:10:47 BST 2022

Control: clone -1 -2 -3
Control: retitle -2 gnome-console: should be an x-terminal-emulator
Control: forwarded -2 https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/console/-/issues/26
Control: reassign -2 gnome-console
Control: retitle -3 gnome-console: current working directory not detected
Control: forwarded -3 https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/console/-/issues/124
Control: reassign -3 gnome-console

On Fri, 01 Apr 2022 at 09:10:00 -0400, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> 1. Install gnome-text-editor by default but allow gedit as an alternate for now.
> https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/meta-gnome3/-/merge_requests/6
> - GNOME 42 has gnome-text-editor as the only text editor in their core set.

This seems good to me, FWIW.

This seems like it's a bit like the situation in KDE, which has both
kwrite (a simple text editor analogous to Windows Notepad, included in
their equivalent of gnome-core) and kate (a more complicated text editor
for programmers, included in their equivalent of gnome), which share code.

> 2. Allow gnome-console as an alternative to gnome-terminal but keep
> gnome-terminal as the default terminal for now.

I think being an x-terminal-emulator alternative is probably a blocker
for this? (That shouldn't be rocket science: worst-case, we can have a
wrapper script like gnome-terminal does.)

(Bug cloned as -2)

> + New tabs should open with the same working directory as the current
> tab. Works on Fedora; needs something else to work on Debian.

(Bug cloned as -3)

It seems /etc/profile.d/vte-2.91.sh isn't getting sourced: if I "."
that, I get __vte_osc7 added to the precmd_functions array in zsh.
I think all shells in Fedora source /etc/profile.d/* by default, but
that is not true in Debian?

gnome-terminal has a non-upstreamed patch to make the terminal introspect
the current working directory from the terminal's child process instead
of having to rely on the OSC 7 escape sequence, but presumably gnome-console
doesn't have that.

The gnome-terminal patch was sent upstream years ago, but upstream
refused to apply it because they consider vte.sh emitting OSC 7 to be
a better solution; meanwhile, the various shells in Debian don't always
source /etc/profile.d (e.g. bash only when it is a login shell, and zsh
not at all, unless invoked as sh). So we have a deadlock :-(


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