Bug#1016490: gnome-core: Switch default terminal app to gnome-console

Jeremy Bicha jeremy.bicha at canonical.com
Mon Aug 1 19:43:37 BST 2022

Package: gnome-core
Version: 1:42+4
X-Debbugs-CC: debian-gtk-gnome at lists.debian.org

GNOME switched its default terminal app from gnome-terminal to
gnome-console in GNOME 42. We briefly discussed doing this in for
instance https://bugs.debian.org/1008805

Now that we are nearly at the end of the GNOME 43 development cycle,
we can continue the discussion.

The good news is that the blockers for basic Debian integration
(x-terminal-emulator and new tabs opening in current working
directory) are either fixed in 43 or there is a working merge proposal

However, the upstream Console developers (and designers) were busy
with other things this cycle and there still isn't a preferences
dialog nor have there really been additions to the gsettings options
either. Therefore, I believe Fedora 37 will continue to use GNOME
Terminal by default. I also think our users will be happier with GNOME
Terminal for Debian 12 too.

Ubuntu 22.10 may switch to Console by default, but Ubuntu is at the
start of their LTS development cycle while Debian is at the end.

Thank you,
Jeremy Bicha

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