Too important

Rodger messagea3af64bee1 at
Tue Mar 15 11:05:26 GMT 2022


Ok, let me be direct, I know you like to see [P]0RN0GRAPH[Y] videos on your smartphone , so I recordded you when you MASTRUBATE. Your smartphone got infected and allowed me to use your front camera in background , and I also extracted all your phone list, social media lists, email contacts so I can get a benefit.
So! If u don`t send me 800$ value in [B]It [C]oin the video wlth u doing, you know what, will be sent to all your contacts. U can search on Google for Pax ful to get the coins and send those to the next address.

The amount(approximately): 0.021
The Address Part 1: 1Bp7JRjGFrRd9
The Address Part 2: BzYArynyyk7tfyAXD6Qvv

Now, you have to copy and paste manually Part 1 and Part 2 and the string result of 34 characters with no space between parts that start with "1" and end with "v" is actually my address which in Case Sensitive where you should send the bribery. I give you a few days!
Also... to remove my sneaky stuff from your device search for this, how to restore to factory settings [your phone model] and follow the steps. As well, you should quit this addiction, not good for health.
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