Bug#1008115: Easy fix Bug#1008115: + Bug#1007169

Christian Peter KISS christianpeterkiss at yahoo.com
Mon May 2 00:05:00 BST 2022

Bug#1008115: + Bug#1007169

mesa 22.1 seems tohave a
radeon noop backend overriding r300

in mesa/src/amd/drm-shim

but iam notsure ifthis is an .i386 or an x64

tar.zx fails to install it on i386 bullseye
it could r e a l l y help if you update the repository and set an automatic chip-id to find egL hardware access over this

inmycase itwouldbe radeon RV530 aka chipID 0x71c2


Christian Kiss


#keypoint fix : mesa21.x required for egl of firefox-esr native implementation of egl, debian bullseye offers only20.x


epiphany browser sameproblem?related?
any software on dri3 glamor or exa fails on  gpudriver radeon

indicator: picom  backend glx breaks performance from 2600 to 940.

browsers,software, compositor picom on egl dri3 mesa21.x

gpudriver radeon upgradeable with mesa21 ?

Christian Kiss



bug 1
raid1 still boots randomly sda or sdb

bug 2
browsers stillnot usable / software / ie gpu radeon exa/glamor dri2/dri3 no egl  ie
(acceleration layers fail/ barely bootable with xrender lightdm/ wayland gnome wouldnteven boot)

is: i386-debian 5.10.8-pae lightdm xfce picom running on a 32bit-bartoncore_amd-nonsse2 rv530 sata1raid1

Christian Kiss


a simple separator line shows imminently if

sda 1 booted or sda 2

but this sata1raid1 bug should not persist

itis still brink unusable in manyways ie browser crashtabs epiphany but preview brackets show thesiteloaded

gpu radeon glamor/exa:  dri2 launches libreoffice dri3 not

firefox-esr seems toneed wayland or egl or complete acceleration doesnoteven want to load asite

softwarepicker quicks on choosing any menu fromsoftwaremenu


bug hunting?or

gpu driver /
a working egl acceleration of rv530 i386(32bitpae nonsse2) on radeon gpu driver? including compositor presets? (picom)


as youcansee the preview inepiphany shows the site, the websiteitself staysblank or therewas an error d i s p l a y the page

dri3 libreoffice nolaunch
dri2 does launch

softwarepicker quits on any menu choosing

install is shifted from compton to picom --backend xrender --vsync but itis not a compositor matter

thankyou for yourefforts


radeon gpu driver on glamor dri2 tearfreeOFF

seemstobethe only faster option to run on lightdm but no browser works

asyoucansee unaccelerated thebrowser previews show theboot itisnot a browser but an a c c e l e r a t i o n layer bug

xfwm4 composition vblank off both
but compton on backend xrender

gdm3 accelerated doesnt even want to boot

this is wayland likely

dri3 doesnot start libreoffice
software(picker) quits

isit egl overhaul ahead abandoned exa glamor  dri2 or even dri3


rv530 radeon gpu driver works in 32bit 686pae


sofar itis almost unusable but neatstable

nice job itis really not nothing
itis only that each step is an obstacle ie productivity almost notpossible


Christian KISS
fan of flavour debian+xfce+lightdm

  Original Message  

From: christianpeterkiss at yahoo.com
Sent: 23 March 2022 16:23
To: glamor at lists.freedesktop.org
Subject: Fw: Bug#1007169: Acknowledgement (radeon: DRI3 glamor EXA Tearfree no browser works accelerated/ software(proig) quits)

From: owner at bugs.debian.org
Sent: 12 March 2022 18:33
To: christianpeterkiss at yahoo.com
Reply to: 1007169 at bugs.debian.org
Subject: Bug#1007169: Acknowledgement (radeon: DRI3 glamor EXA Tearfree no browser works accelerated/ software(proig) quits)

  Original Message  

From: owner at bugs.debian.org
Sent: 22 March 2022 20:21
To: christianpeterkiss at yahoo.com
Reply to: 1008115 at bugs.debian.org
Subject: Bug#1008115: Acknowledgement (gnome: raid1 debian forgets settings by hdd pick)

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