Bug#1003658: geary: Search stops working after a while

Andres Salomon dilinger at queued.net
Wed Oct 5 23:24:10 BST 2022

On Thu, 13 Jan 2022 12:04:45 +0100 Matthias Brennwald 
<mbrennwa at gmail.com> wrote:
 > Package: geary
 > Version: 40.0-1
 > Severity: normal
 > Tags: patch
 > X-Debbugs-Cc: mbrennwa at gmail.com
 > Dear Maintainer
 > The function to search for emails stops working after running Geary 
for a
 > while. I can get it to work again either by rebooting the computer, 
or by doing
 > "killall geary" and then restart Geary. Just restarting Geary alone 
does not
 > help. I guess there is some background process related to the Geary 
 > which gets stuck and then causes the search to stop working.

I've experienced this bug as well. However, it's in debian stable 
(bullseye) with geary 3.38.1-1. Oddly enough, upgrading to (a backport 
of) geary 40.0-7 seems to have fixed the issue.  3.38.1-1 worked fine 
for me for at least a year, and then suddenly I couldn't search any 
more and no amount of restarting seemed to fix it.

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