Bug#1008296: Workaround for my machine

Alban Browaeys alban.browaeys at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 18:27:52 BST 2022

About modeset, ie Kernel Mode Setting being required or not I found
this about https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Wayland#Requirements 5.1
that "Enabling DRM KMS is required.". THe next link points to
which tells that:

The following are necessary to enable accelerated rendering on Xwayland
with the NVIDIA driver:

   - DRM KMS must be enabled. See Chapter 36, Direct Rendering Manager
Kernel Modesetting (DRM KMS) for details.

   - The installed copy of Xwayland should be a build from the master
branch of https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver at least as
recent as commit c468d34c. Note that if this requirement is not
satisfied, the NVIDIA GPU can still be used for rendering, however it
will fall back to a suboptimal path for presentation resulting in
degraded performance.

   - libxcb version 1.13 or later must be present.

   - egl-wayland version 1.1.7 or later must be present (if installed
separately from the the NVIDIA driver).

   - If using the GNOME desktop environment, kms-modifiers must be
enabled through gsettings. This can be done with the following command
gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features [\"kms-


So currently, once logged in gnome wayland without modeset enabled, you
should not have Xwayland application (most games) running hardware
To not end up on software acceleration you have to enable KMS (by the
settings I sent you previously) and also setting an experimental
feature in the gnome session:
gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features [\"kms-modifiers\"]

maybe you can check if you are on software acceleration on Xwayland
with glxgears/glxinfo . Maybe you can send your glxinfo output without
nvidia modeset set and logged in a wayland session?

Kind regards,


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