Bug#1057319: mutter: will FTBFS when udev.pc changes udevdir

Chris Hofstaedtler zeha at debian.org
Sun Dec 3 11:51:42 GMT 2023

Source: mutter
Version: 44.5-2
Severity: normal
Tags: ftbfs patch
User: helmutg at debian.org
Usertags: dep17m2

Dear Maintainer,

your package installs a udev rule, great. For the ongoing UsrMerge
effort [1], we want to change "udevdir" in udev.pc. When this happens,
your package will FTBFS. The upstream build system will install the udev
rules into the new path, but the Debian packaging expects them in the
old path.

For your convenience I'm attaching a patch to fix this, that you can
apply today.

Please apply at your earliest convenience. Per the wiki [1], it is
useful to first upload to experimental and wait a few days for the dumat
tool evaluating the change, and only then upload to unstable.

I expect udev.pc will change soon, and then this bug will become

Thanks for considering,

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/UsrMerge

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URL: <http://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/pkg-gnome-maintainers/attachments/20231203/0a8b80a8/attachment-0001.patch>

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