Bug#1041703: Broken due to missed udev dependencies

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Sat Jul 22 14:41:41 BST 2023

severity 1041703 grave

Justification: Renders X unusable, renders fwupdmgr unusable

Probably also breaks xdg-desktop-portal file dialog when clicking on a 
mount point from an USB connected external device. Maybe some other 
crashes I experienced in the running Plasma session before reporting 
after the update have been related to this.

Did not test whether it would break input in Wayland session.

Also at least "serious" is necessary to warn people who use apt-listbugs 
about the bug. I'd not have had a broken system in case apt-listbugs 
would have warned me. (I know it is called unstable for a reason). One 
can argue whether "serious", "grave" or even "critical" would be most 
appropriate, as the wording regarding the severity levels leaves some 
room for interpretation, but I am convinced that important is not severe 

AFAIK at least "serious" is necessary to prevent the package from 
entering "testing".

I confirm that downgrading to libgudev-1.0-0 237-2 fixes the issue.


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