Bug#1042445: gnome-shell: Allow inhibiting shortcuts setting not remembered

Simon John debian2 at the-jedi.co.uk
Fri Jul 28 10:04:10 BST 2023

Package: gnome-shell
Version: 43.6-1
Severity: normal

After having switched from xorg to wayland, I now get a popup every time 
I run virt-viewer, "The application virt-viewer wants to inhibit 
shortcuts. You can restore shortcuts by pressing Super+Escape."

If I select Allow or Deny is irrelevant, neither option is remembered.

This seems to be a well-known bug according to google, there's a fix in 
Gnome 42 here:


It even looks like it was previously fixed in gnome-shell 3.31.92-1 
according to the changelog, so I assume the patch has been missed from 
43 in Sid?


virt-viewer is 11.0-2 if that's relevant.


Simon John

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