Bug#1029821: change gnome-desktop's default choice of Japanese input methods

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Sun Mar 5 15:37:21 GMT 2023

Control: clone -1 -2
Control: severity -2 important
Control: retitle -2 gnome-initial-setup: Label for a default non-xkb ibus input method remains a placeholder
Control: forwarded -2 https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-initial-setup/-/issues/180
Control: reassign -2 gnome-initial-setup 43.2-1

On Wed, 22 Feb 2023 at 15:09:15 +0900, kenhys at xdump.org wrote:
> * NOTE: There may be a potential bug that ibus-mozc is not listed 
>   with engine's display name correctly.
>   Thus with attached patch, gnome-initial-setup will not
>   show label for mozc-jp as "日本語 (Mozc)" by default.

This seems to be a separate bug which is not related to whether the
default is mozc or anthy. The bug is: if the default input method is
an ibus engine, then its label is the internal name of the ibus engine
instead of the expected display name.

If I *don't* apply the patch proposed on #1029821, then the non-default
mozc-jp engine is correctly shown as "Japanese (Mozc)" in an English
locale, but the default anthy engine is wrongly shown as "anthy" instead
of the expected "Japanese (Anthy)".

If I *do* apply the patch proposed on #1029821, then the situation is
reversed: the non-default anthy is correctly shown as "Japanese (Anthy)",
but the default mozc-jp is wrongly shown as "mozc-jp" instead of the
expected "Japanese (Mozc)".

If I run gnome-initial-setup as
"LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=ja_JP /usr/libexec/gnome-initial-setup"
then I get similar results, but with Japanese text (and in particular
"日本語" instead of "Japanese").


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