Bug#1032319: gnome-shell: Accessibility Regression: ctrl-alt-tab doesn't stay on top bar

Sam Hartman hartmans at debian.org
Sun Mar 5 15:40:32 GMT 2023

>>>>> "Simon" == Simon McVittie <smcv at debian.org> writes:

    Simon> On the upstream issue, a bug reporter mentions that to
    Simon> reproduce the bug, you need two things: the focus mode needs
    Simon> to be set to "sloppy focus", and there needs to be at least
    Simon> one window open on the current workspace.

I'd like to push back on the idea that sloppy focus is required.

I tried the following:

* Install task-gnome-desktop on top of  effectively debian:bookworm out
  of docker (roughly debootstrap --varient=minbase)

* adduser --uid 8042 hartmans

* systemctl restart gdm

* At the console alt-super-s to enable orca and then log in

* alt-f2 run gnome-terminal

* Confirm I'm in the terminal

* ctrl-alt-tab to get to the top bar [fails to stay there]

I then confirmed that if I hit super  to get to overview panel and then
ctrl-alt-tab to the top it works.

I also confirmed your work around of going to an empty workspace; that
does work.
But I cannot verify the claim that sloppy focus is required.
I also tried resetting the focus preference you indicated and that did
not help.

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