Bug#1032347: gnome-control-center: Keyboard settings: disabling the 'Compose Key' is not persisted in user dconf settings

James Addison jay at jp-hosting.net
Mon Mar 6 13:56:58 GMT 2023

Followup-For: Bug #1032347

On Mon, 6 Mar 2023 13:40:30 +0100, Gunnar wrote:
> So what is it on your system which causes 'compose:lwin' to be set 
> behind the scenes? Since I can't reproduce the issue, I doubt it is 
> gnome-control-center.

Thanks for reconfirming.  I now believe (and have updated upstream) that the
cause was a 'XKBOPTIONS="compose:lwin"' entry in the '/etc/default/keyboard'

Removing the XKBOPTIONS line produces the results I expected: disabling the
compose key takes effect within both the current session and subsequent GNOME
login sessions.

I'll continue to investigate the cause; it is OK to close this bug if you like.

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