Bug#1032579: unblock: gnome-desktop/43.2-2

Simon McVittie smcv at debian.org
Thu Mar 9 13:16:32 GMT 2023

Package: release.debian.org
Severity: normal
User: release.debian.org at packages.debian.org
Usertags: unblock
X-Debbugs-Cc: gnome-desktop at packages.debian.org, debian-japanese at lists.debian.org
Control: affects -1 + src:gnome-desktop

Please unblock package gnome-desktop

[ Reason ]
Make default input method for ja_JP match what tasksel installs
(#1029821, grave)

[ Impact ]
If not accepted, Japanese-speaking users will find that gnome-initial-setup
leaves them without a working input method, unless they happen to have
installed ibus-anthy separately. This is because GNOME upstream prefers
to default to ibus-anthy, but Japanese-speaking Debian/Ubuntu users say
that ibus-mozc is a higher-quality default on architectures where it
is built, and therefore that's what task-japanese-gnome-desktop pulls in.

If this change is not accepted, then we should change tasksel to make
task-japanese-gnome-desktop pull in ibus-anthy instead of ibus-mozc
but Japanese-speaking users have told us that defaulting to ibus-anthy
would be unacceptable, so we have not gone that route.

[ Tests ]
Manually tested via the steps in debian/README.source of unstable's
gnome-initial-setup, both with ibus-mozc installed (reflecting what will
happen on x86 and ARM) and with only ibus-anthy installed (reflecting
what will happen on ppc64el and s390x, where ibus-mozc is unavailable
and ibus-anthy is the best thing available for Japanese users).

Also carried out an installation of bookworm in Japanese (using a
parallel installation in English as a reference for which button does
what) and before logging in to GNOME for the first time, logged in via
tty to upgrade gnome-initial-setup and all packages from src:gnome-desktop
to their unstable versions.

I can't read or write Japanese, so I can't tell the difference between
anthy and mozc; but in the Japanese installation,
`gsettings list-recursively` contained

    org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources [('xkb', 'jp'), ('ibus', 'mozc-jp')]

which seems like it's probably the desired result. Also, the option
selected in GNOME's menu of input methods by default is
"日本語 (Mozc)" which again seems plausibly correct.

[ Risks ]
The core change here is trivial: it's just replacing the name of one
IBus input method with another.

The hack to fall back to ibus-anthy if ibus-mozc isn't installed is
less trivial, but still straightforward. I wish we didn't have to do this,
but from what I understand of the problem, we need this for unconventional
CPU architectures.

If the accompanying gnome-initial-setup change (see separate unblock
request) is not accepted, then the UI will be sub-optimal (the ibus-mozc
option will appear as "mozc-jp" in the UI instead of the intended
"Japanese (Mozc)"), but that's not actually a regression: the same thing
happens today for ibus-anthy.

[ Checklist ]
  [x] all changes are documented in the d/changelog
  [x] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
  [x] attach debdiff against the package in testing

unblock gnome-desktop/43.2-2
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