Bug#1032468: More info needed

Vincent Lefevre vincent at vinc17.net
Mon Mar 13 00:32:59 GMT 2023

On 2023-03-12 19:00:21 +0100, Dominik Stadler wrote:
> Works as expected on a fresh installation of bookworm.
> Can you provide the output of the following command
> dpkg --list | grep dbus

cventin:~> dpkg --list | grep dbus
ii  dbus                                         1.14.6-1                             amd64        simple interprocess messaging system (system message bus)
ii  dbus-bin                                     1.14.6-1                             amd64        simple interprocess messaging system (command line utilities)
ii  dbus-daemon                                  1.14.6-1                             amd64        simple interprocess messaging system (reference message bus)
ii  dbus-session-bus-common                      1.14.6-1                             all          simple interprocess messaging system (session bus configuration)
ii  dbus-system-bus-common                       1.14.6-1                             all          simple interprocess messaging system (system bus configuration)
ii  dbus-user-session                            1.14.6-1                             amd64        simple interprocess messaging system (systemd --user integration)
ii  dbus-x11                                     1.14.6-1                             amd64        simple interprocess messaging system (X11 deps)
ii  libdbus-1-3:amd64                            1.14.6-1                             amd64        simple interprocess messaging system (library)
ii  libdbus-1-3:i386                             1.14.6-1                             i386         simple interprocess messaging system (library)
ii  libdbus-1-dev:amd64                          1.14.6-1                             amd64        simple interprocess messaging system (development headers)
ii  libdbus-glib-1-2:amd64                       0.112-3                              amd64        deprecated library for D-Bus IPC
ii  libdbusmenu-glib4:amd64                      18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-3      amd64        library for passing menus over DBus
ii  libdbusmenu-gtk3-4:amd64                     18.10.20180917~bzr492+repack1-3      amd64        library for passing menus over DBus - GTK-3+ version
ii  libnet-dbus-perl                             1.2.0-2                              amd64        Perl extension for the DBus bindings
ii  libqt5dbus5:amd64                            5.15.8+dfsg-3                        amd64        Qt 5 D-Bus module
ii  xdg-dbus-proxy                               0.1.4-3                              amd64        filtering D-Bus proxy

BTW, I'm a bit surprised that this is related, as the file-roller
package does not depend on libdbus-1-3 (there's also no mention
of dbus in the description and the man page).

Note: I've just done some tests, remotely as I'm not in front of
the machine where it is installed. Outside of Firefox, file-roller
appears to work, but it takes at least 25 seconds before the window
appears! I've just done a test with strace, and it froze on

1678666206.918658 poll([{fd=9, events=POLLIN}], 1, 25000

1678666232.046417 poll([{fd=9, events=POLLIN}], 1, 25000

Thus there's a 25-second timeout. In this test, it occurred twice,
so it took 50 seconds to appear.

> P.S. Regarding "First, any recommended application is expected to work
> without any issue" => This sounds a bit strange when you are actually using
> a totally free operating system built by volunteers! Please consider how
> much you can "expect" or "request" here. Better to spend time yourself to
> improve Debian. If you think the application or X-Windows itself should do
> things differently, you are welcome to provide improvements and patches to
> the upstream projects!

What I meant is that some applications appear to have specific
requirements about a desktop environment (here this appears to
be a GNOME application, though it was not presented as a GNOME
application in Firefox). If there are specific requirements,
then the application shouldn't be proposed by Firefox (at least
not by default) if there requirements are not satisfied.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent at vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <https://www.vinc17.net/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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