Bug#1049413: update to 2.56

Matthias Geiger werdahias at riseup.net
Sat Sep 16 22:25:59 BST 2023

Upstream also chose to publish librsvg on crates.io [0].

This is a bit of an issue since src:librsvg in debian does not provide 
the librsvg crate. Other GNOME apps [1] started depending on the crate 

which results in a build failure as the crate data is not found (this 
affects glycin-loaders and by extension loupe right now).

I could disable svg support, but since this is a common image format 
this doesn't look like a good option to me.

I would suggest to switch the upstream to the source on crates.io and 
provide the "crate data" on top.

Otherwise please find a way to provide this source code as it'll be 
needed inevitably at some point. I can package all remaining 
dependencies to fully de-vendor librsvg.

Another option would be that the rust source code for librsvg is 
provided by a src:rust-librsvg package maintained by the Rust 
maintainers (not building anything else).

Let me know what you think.

[0] https://crates.io/crates/librsvg


Matthias Geiger (werdahias)
Debian Maintainer
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden" -- Rosa Luxemburg

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