Bug#1078802: gnome-core: Demote gnome-keyring to allow use of other secret service providers

Siddh Raman Pant sanganaka at siddh.me
Fri Aug 16 12:26:37 BST 2024

Package: gnome-core
Version: 1:46+2

If someone wants to use a different secret service, like keepassxc,
then existing one must be disabled. Since it is almost impossible to
disable gnome-keyring without resorting to ugly hacks, a user will try
to uninstall gnome-keyring itself, since it is not really needed.

But since gnome-core depends on gnome-keyring, apt will also uninstall
gnome-core, gnome, evolution, etc.

This behaviour is anti-user choice. Please demote gnome-keyring to


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