Bug#1058740: gtk4, librsvg: big-endian support is at risk of being removed

Gayathri Berli Gayathri.Berli at ibm.com
Wed Feb 14 16:47:23 GMT 2024

Hi Simon,

I am working As a Debian maintainer on s390x in IBM. Sorry I missed out this bug because I am engaged with the other issues like librsvg related.
In librsvg also we have seen some test failures and regressions. when we debugged, we came to know that pixman code changes are triggering the regression in librsvg. In the current issue of gtk4 When I tried to reproduce the issue on s390x there are 1507 tests that are failing. Can you please suggest that version of dependency packages being used/issue reproduce steps/logs.

Expected Fail:0
Unexpected Pass:  0
Skipped: 1
Timeout: 0

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