Processed: reassign 779227 to src:openssl, reassign 779246 to src:openssl, reassign 624349 to src:mpich ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Fri Jun 28 11:21:15 BST 2024
Processing commands for control at
> reassign 779227 src:openssl 1.0.2-1
Bug #779227 [src:libssl1.0.0] libssl1.0.0: Add patch for supporting ChaCha20/Poly1305 algorithms
Warning: Unknown package 'src:libssl1.0.0'
Bug reassigned from package 'src:libssl1.0.0' to 'src:openssl'.
No longer marked as found in versions libssl1.0.0/1.0.2-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #779227 to the same values previously set
Bug #779227 [src:openssl] libssl1.0.0: Add patch for supporting ChaCha20/Poly1305 algorithms
Marked as found in versions openssl/1.0.2-1.
> reassign 779246 src:openssl 1.0.1k-1
Bug #779246 [src:libssl1.0.0] libssl1.0.0: Support for RC4 should be dropped
Warning: Unknown package 'src:libssl1.0.0'
Bug reassigned from package 'src:libssl1.0.0' to 'src:openssl'.
No longer marked as found in versions libssl1.0.0/1.0.1k-1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #779246 to the same values previously set
Bug #779246 [src:openssl] libssl1.0.0: Support for RC4 should be dropped
Marked as found in versions openssl/1.0.1k-1.
> reassign 624349 src:mpich 3.1-5
Bug #624349 [libmpich2-dev] libmpich2-dev: Activates debugging compiler option -g
Warning: Unknown package 'libmpich2-dev'
Bug reassigned from package 'libmpich2-dev' to 'src:mpich'.
No longer marked as found in versions mpich2/1.4~rc2-1 and mpich/3.1-5.
No longer marked as fixed in versions mpich2/1.4~rc2-2.
Bug #624349 [src:mpich] libmpich2-dev: Activates debugging compiler option -g
Marked as found in versions mpich/3.1-5.
> found 624349 1.4~rc2-1
Bug #624349 [src:mpich] libmpich2-dev: Activates debugging compiler option -g
The source 'mpich' and version '1.4~rc2-1' do not appear to match any binary packages
Marked as found in versions mpich/1.4~rc2-1.
> fixed 624349 1.4~rc2-2
Bug #624349 [src:mpich] libmpich2-dev: Activates debugging compiler option -g
The source 'mpich' and version '1.4~rc2-2' do not appear to match any binary packages
Marked as fixed in versions mpich/1.4~rc2-2.
> reassign 666071 src:mpich 1.4.1-4
Bug #666071 [mpich2] mpich2: In this version of mpich2, the mpd daemon (and other utilities) are missing.
Warning: Unknown package 'mpich2'
Bug reassigned from package 'mpich2' to 'src:mpich'.
No longer marked as found in versions mpich2/1.4.1-4.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #666071 to the same values previously set
Bug #666071 [src:mpich] mpich2: In this version of mpich2, the mpd daemon (and other utilities) are missing.
The source 'mpich' and version '1.4.1-4' do not appear to match any binary packages
Marked as found in versions mpich/1.4.1-4.
> reassign 834430 src:ganeti 2.12.4-1+deb8u3
Bug #834430 [ganeti-2.12] ganeti-2.12: vif-ganeti script uses xm toolstack, while jessie defaults to xl
Warning: Unknown package 'ganeti-2.12'
Bug reassigned from package 'ganeti-2.12' to 'src:ganeti'.
No longer marked as found in versions ganeti/2.12.4-1+deb8u3.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #834430 to the same values previously set
Bug #834430 [src:ganeti] ganeti-2.12: vif-ganeti script uses xm toolstack, while jessie defaults to xl
Marked as found in versions ganeti/2.12.4-1+deb8u3.
> reassign 834432 src:ganeti 2.12.4-1+deb8u3
Bug #834432 [ganeti-2.12] ganeti-2.12: Can not start Xen VMs when /etc an /var are different partitions
Warning: Unknown package 'ganeti-2.12'
Bug reassigned from package 'ganeti-2.12' to 'src:ganeti'.
No longer marked as found in versions ganeti/2.12.4-1+deb8u3.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #834432 to the same values previously set
Bug #834432 [src:ganeti] ganeti-2.12: Can not start Xen VMs when /etc an /var are different partitions
Marked as found in versions ganeti/2.12.4-1+deb8u3.
> reassign 826384 src:ogre-1.9
Bug #826384 [libogre-1.9.0] libogre-1.9.0: Does not setup its own runtime link paths (ldconfig)
Warning: Unknown package 'libogre-1.9.0'
Bug reassigned from package 'libogre-1.9.0' to 'src:ogre-1.9'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #826384 to the same values previously set
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #826384 to the same values previously set
> reassign 820216 src:libgee-0.8 0.6.8-2
Bug #820216 [gir1.2-gee-1.0] gir1.2-gee-1.0: short description says "Telepathy connection manager"
Warning: Unknown package 'gir1.2-gee-1.0'
Bug reassigned from package 'gir1.2-gee-1.0' to 'src:libgee-0.8'.
No longer marked as found in versions libgee/0.6.8-2.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #820216 to the same values previously set
Bug #820216 [src:libgee-0.8] gir1.2-gee-1.0: short description says "Telepathy connection manager"
The source 'libgee-0.8' and version '0.6.8-2' do not appear to match any binary packages
Marked as found in versions libgee-0.8/0.6.8-2.
> reassign 929857 src:libkqueue 2.0.3-1.1
Bug #929857 [libkqueue0] libkqueue0: fails to emulate close-on-fork or close-on-exec behavior of native kqueue
Warning: Unknown package 'libkqueue0'
Bug reassigned from package 'libkqueue0' to 'src:libkqueue'.
No longer marked as found in versions libkqueue/2.0.3-1.1.
Ignoring request to alter fixed versions of bug #929857 to the same values previously set
Bug #929857 [src:libkqueue] libkqueue0: fails to emulate close-on-fork or close-on-exec behavior of native kqueue
Marked as found in versions libkqueue/2.0.3-1.1.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at with problems
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