Bug#1067577: sysprof: B-D on libunwind-dev which is not generally available

Thorsten Glaser tg at mirbsd.de
Sun Mar 24 15:38:26 GMT 2024

Simon McVittie dixit:

>(Or of course porting libunwind to the remaining architectures would
>be another obvious way that porters could address this.)

Definitely. All three are valid possibilities.

>Another possible way to attack this, particularly if libunwind is
>functionally necessary in sysprof (I don't know whether it is), would
>be to limit sysprof integration to those architectures where developers
>are practically likely to want to carry out profiling/optimization work.

I think that this is probably easier to do within sysprof if it has
multiple users, unless all users have something like autoconf and
check for presence and just don't use it if absent.

>In general sysprof is an optional dependency: the purpose of compiling
>lower-level libraries like GTK with sysprof integration is to get more
>detailed profiling and performance reporting, but that's probably only
>interesting on relatively mainstream architectures where a developer
>is more likely to be making use of that information.

Ah okay, good point.

> Hi, does anyone sell openbsd stickers by themselves and not packaged
> with other products?
No, the only way I've seen them sold is for $40 with a free OpenBSD CD.
	-- Haroon Khalid and Steve Shockley in gmane.os.openbsd.misc

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