Bug#1084705: rhythmbox: removal of Python standard libraries in Python 3.13

Alexandre Detiste alexandre.detiste at gmail.com
Sun Nov 17 14:10:09 GMT 2024

control: tag -1 +patch

In most of those files.
There's an "import cgi"; but then "cgi" is not even used anywhere (???)
It can be removed.

Heres is a patch for the last one LyricsTab.py:

-import cgi
+import html

    def lyrics_ready (self, ds, entry, lyrics):
        print("loading lyrics into webview")
        if lyrics is None:
            lyrics = _("Lyrics not found")
            lyrics = lyrics.strip()
-            lyrics = cgi.escape (lyrics, True)
+            lyrics = html.escape (lyrics, True)
            lyrics = lyrics.replace ('\n', '<br />')


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